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Successfully completed projects

1. Restructuring the system architecture


In late 2012 DAK-Gesundheit launched a program to replace its outdated operating infrastructure and migrate to a modern, standardised and future-proof system platform. The aim of the program was to unify previously separate system environments following the merger between BKK-Gesundheit and DAK.

The company needed to ensure that this comprehensive infrastructure and migration project, comprising several sub-projects, was implemented within the defined scope, budget and quality requirements. To this end, adesso was contracted to provide advice and support for the coordination and risk-oriented management of the projects. adesso’s tasks included program-wide risk and change management, managing communications with internal and external stakeholders, reporting, and managing external suppliers.


adesso contributed to the successful migration of all employees and applications to the new system environment by developing internal coordination and control processes as well as communication measures. The sub-project to replace IBM Notes with Microsoft Outlook/Exchange, Lync and SharePoint was completed in late 2015.

2. DAKISS_21c programme


As part of its strategic realignment, DAK decided in 2010 to replace the DAKIDIS host application with the industry-specific, modern and scalable software package iskv_21c from BITMARCK.

The main objectives of the DAKISS_21c programme are to optimise and automate processes, reduce IT costs and support the IT strategy. The programme is classified as business-critical, due to its far-reaching importance for the future direction of DAK.

adesso is supporting DAK with all of the sub-projects, implementing its technical and specialist expertise in areas such as:

  • The strategic further development of the iskv_21c software package to meet the requirements of a major insurance company
  • Managing and coordinating the process of connecting peripheral systems to iskv_21c.
  • Migrating the data from old systems
  • Integrating iskv_21c into the organisational structure


Appropriate technical and organisational strategies are being developed for each of the peripheral systems; most of these have already been implemented at the technical level.

adesso is delivering solution strategies and specification documents for the data migration and is working with the employees to develop an understanding of the target data model.

adesso’s support is enabling DAK to significantly improve its efficiency during the integration process with the help of process automation.

3. 21c release management


BITMARCK normally delivers four releases of iskv_21c each year. The existing 21c release management process at DAK-Gesundheit needed to be restructured in order to ensure the quality of the releases and to meet the requirements of a major insurance company.


adesso supported DAK-Gesundheit’s line management by designing and introducing the new, restructured release management process for the iskv_21c software and assisted the various departments during the changeover. The new process is now capable of meeting the needs of a major health insurance company.

4. Enterprise architecture management


DAK-Gesundheit launched a series of enterprise architecture management initiatives in 2013 in order to identify dependencies in the migration project. These initiatives were then implemented across the whole company.

DAK paid special attention to defining business components at the strategic, management and implementation levels as part of a component business model. The application environment and the interplay between the different components of the architecture needed to be mapped out in a clear manner.

Standard EAM concepts were validated and checked for their suitability for DAK-Gesundheit. We selected suitable visualisations and fields of application and defined the processes that need to be implemented. This way, we created a basis for identifying the areas in the Organisation division that require action and for supporting DV decision-making processes.

In addition to developing visualisation types, defining management processes – ranging from data maintenance through to providing support for making decisions at the management level – became an integral part of the project.


This project laid down key foundations for DAK-Gesundheit’s in-house EAM process: a defined meta-model (data model) focused on responding to priority issues, a basic set of visualisations, the introduction of a tool to be used for the visualisations along with an operating concept, and a description of EAM procedures (so-called EAM governance).

DAK-Gesundheit is one of Germany’s largest health insurance companies with 6.4 million policy holders and around 11,000 employees working out of 600 offices. It was founded as the result of a merger between Deutsche Angestellten-Krankenkasse (DAK), BKK-Gesundheit and BKK Axel Springer at the beginning of 2012.

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