ROI calculator
Calculate profitability simply and easily
To be a digital health app or not to be a digital health app? That is the question! This is where you will find the answer. Is your investment worthwhile? When can I expect to recoup my investment? Calculate your ROI.
Breakeven Calculator
When is your DiGA profitable?
Enter your estimated costs and revenue and get the result immediately.
Costs | Estimate | |
Technical product development | | |
Regulatory Compliance | | |
Clinical Study | | |
Consultancy (e.g. BfArM Management) | | |
Marketing | | |
Total costs | | |
Revenue | ||
Revenue per prescription |
DiGA manufacturers received approx. 405 EUR/prescription/quarter on
Sep 20 - Aug 21 |
User lifetime | quarter(s) | |
Revenue per user | | |
Breakeven | ||
Breakeven at this number of users | users | |
Breakeven at this number of prescriptions | prescriptions |
Our tools at a glance
DiGA or no DiGA? Return on investment? Use our free tools and find out all the relevant information easily and simply before you start your project.

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