The effort that payment institutions and e-money institutions have to put in to be ZAG (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz, ZAG [German Payment Services Supervision Act]) and ZAIT (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtlichen Anforderungen an die IT von Zahlungs- und E-Geld-Instituten, ZAIT [payment services regulatory requirements for the IT of payment and e-money institutions]) compliant can be immense. For that reason, the first step should always be to check how high the existing degree of coverage of the individual topic areas is within the company so as to identify the actual need for implementation. We provide you with support in the form of an established analysis and operationalisation process – the adesso ZAIT Readiness Check.

Payment services regulatory requirements for IT (ZAIT)
Get on top of the payment services regulatory requirements for the IT processes of payment and e-money institutions
The adesso ZAIT Readiness Check

ZAIT: 12 focus areas that come into consideration
Our approach
We determine the conformity of your IT with regard to the requirements of ZAIT and show you your current level of coverage.We provide targeted recommendations for action in the form of a detailed catalogue of measures to achieve the level of conformity you need. Benefits for you:
- You become familiar with the current level of your compliance with ZAIT
- You know which measures you need to implement to become ZAIT compliant
- You are ready for an audit by external auditors
- You can quantify the actual implementation needs
- You reduce the risk of sanctions
Our experience
We have more than 20 years of experience as an IT service provider in the financial industry. Our industry expertise combined with our experience in IT management make us as the perfect partner for your ZAIT project. We work according to an established process model to make your IT compliant with the regulations and have already proven our efficiency in numerous comparable projects.
Do you have any questions?
Would you like to know more about our offer or how we can support you in implementing the ZAIT requirements? Please contact me!
Business Development Director ITMC Marc Dielmann +49 231 7000-7000