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adesso Blog

Digital Experience

The first part of my blog explains what a digital asset management system is, what makes it special and what basic tasks it performs. Introducing such a system in a company results in various advantages. I will describe the most important of these benefits in detail in this blog post.

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In a previous blog post, we already summarised the reasons and consequences of the second stage of the ‘Emergency Plan for Gas’. In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear and coal-powered plants.

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The rise of digitalisation, the massive increase in competition between companies and the strong need for IT resilience are all driving a change in software development. This means shorter release intervals and smaller software updates instead of infrequent releases and updates in large blocks. This is where the need for containerisation comes into play. Containers really make the most of their potential in combination with Infrastructure as Code (IaC). I will explain how this works in my blog post.

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29.08.2022 By Roland Scheuch

The Health Data Use Act

Picture Roland Scheuch

This blog post explains why the use of data in the health sector makes sense and which concepts and framework conditions need to be created for this.

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26.08.2022 By Lars Zimmermann , Georg Benhöfer and Stephen Lorenzen

Farewell to the unbridled use of electricity


Electricity is available anytime we need it. That has been a given for decades, and it is something that we rarely if ever think about. As the power grid has grown in complexity because of the energy transition and the increased flexibility in generation and consumption that has come with this, grid operators will now be given the opportunity to influence the consumption of controllable consumption devices. We will be presenting the newly amended Section 14a of the EnWG [Energiewirtschaftsgesetz – German Energy Industry Act] that is set to enter into force on 1 January 2023 in our blog post.

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Inside adesso

25.08.2022 By Iuliia Sidorenko and Sitora Sodatkadamova

Eight steps to successful (Salesforce) certification


Ongoing learning is an important building block for one’s career. For many colleagues at adesso, regular certification is part of their day-to-day routine at work. In our blog post, we report on how to manage certification without all the stress and headaches. Spoiler alert: certification is not possible without a lot of studying and hard work. But with a few helpful tips, you can more effectively manage the workload while still doing your day-to-day project work.

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Digital Experience

For many multi-brand corporations, the problem of a fragmented digital ecosystem is one that develops over time. Not only does the number of digital touchpoints and end devices constantly increase, but the number of technical and regulatory requirements rises, too. In my blog post, I will show you how companies can counter this problem and this challenge with the help of an example from a project.

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Inside adesso

23.08.2022 By Mike Deecke

The management principles

Picture Mike Deecke

What factors contribute to successful, effective management? Having a range of techniques, methods and tools at your disposal is never enough to successfully run a business. Looking at past successes and recent difficulties shows us that it all comes down to a few indispensable principles. In this blog post, I’ll introduce you to these principles in more detail

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Inside adesso

A mission statement should have an impact at all corporate levels. It takes various elements to develop a good mission statement for a company. I’ll explain to you which ones these are in my blog post.

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