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adesso Blog

Digital Experience

There is probably not a marketer out there who has not had to deal with content and commerce – or as it is often referred to, content-driven commerce. Omnichannel commerce is understood to mean being present on every channel – but wait: how is this different to unified commerce? Do you still know what all the different terms mean in the world of digital commerce? I would like to use this blog post to break down the different types of commerce...

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29.09.2022 By Lilian Do Khac

Trustworthy AI – user-centred requirements

Picture Lilian Do Khac

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) at a company can lead to increased complexity as well as the greater potential

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In the IT space, sustainability sometimes has negative connotations. It is associated with higher costs and lower performance without any immediate returns. However, sustainable digital solutions have the potential to set your company apart from its competitors on the marketplace, open up new fields of business and help preserve the foundation of life and business for us all. You will find out why every company should look into green tech in my blog post.

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Inside adesso

26.09.2022 By Vivien Emily Schiller

Nursing and work

Picture Vivien Emily Schiller

Nursing is a highly sensitive topic that is also a very personal matter. It can mean a lot of planning to make it compatible with your job. This personal report is not meant to give advice on nursing or its alternatives or when the best time is to return to work. What I am looking to do is show how you can work and continue to nurse if you want to do both.

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23.09.2022 By Marc Mezger

A brief introduction to explainable AI

Picture Marc Mezger

In my blog post, I will be exploring the topic of explainable AI in more detail and demonstrating why this technology will be critical for the acceptance of machine and deep learning applications and to the future as well.

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In previous blog posts (see below), we provided the essential facts about agile software development. Agility can help us solve complex problems, especially when operationalisation is not done in a dogmatic way. Today, we will be looking at the interplay between agility and ambidexterity.

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21.09.2022 By Lars Zimmermann , Georg Benhöfer and Stephen Lorenzen

Reducing gas consumption in the energy sector


In July 2022, an amendment to the Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz, EnWG) laid the groundwork for reducing gas consumption in the electricity sector, this being done in the backdrop of an impending natural gas shortage. Sections 50a to 50e of the Act seek to increase the amount of electricity generated with coal and oil, while Sections 50f to 50h introduce measures to reduce the amount of electricity produced using gas and increase flexibility in gas supplies. But how can this be achieved?

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Digital Experience

20.09.2022 By Dominique Kompch and Laura Schöning

Self-service portals for the energy sector


The energy sector is in a constant state of cultural change. The driving force behind this change is the digital transformation of the entire energy market from power generation to billing, which also encompasses the megatrend of e-mobility. In addition, customers now expect a comprehensive customer experience across all touchpoints. Self-service portals are one way to deliver the seamless, end-to-end support they demand.

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19.09.2022 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

Data-driven insurance - data culture and data-driven mindset


Data-driven insurance (DDI) is not only about data; it is also about people. When you consider the valuable role played by employees at an insurance company, a traditional change management process is simply not enough anymore. In making the transition to become a data-driven insurance company, they need to create a new awareness for a data culture that affects everyone at the company.

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