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adesso Blog

Inside adesso

28.06.2022 By Tobias Dieter

An e-mail is as harmful as a plastic bag

Picture Tobias Dieter

This blog post examines whether sending e-mails is harmful to the environment and lists ways to protect the environment and the climate.

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27.06.2022 By Lars Zimmermann and Jonas Schnorrenberg

Emergency Plan for Gas – Robert Habeck declares alert level


On 30 March 2022, Robert Habeck, German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, declared the early warning level of the Emergency Plan for Gas. This was followed on 23 June 2022 by the alert level, which is the second of three levels in the Emergency Plan for Gas. What does the alert level mean and what steps will be taken now? In our blog post, we will give you a brief overview as to why Habeck made this decision and what the impact will be.

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Today, a digital strategy is more important than ever - also in the sports sector. Video games currently take up an average of nine hours per week for many users. This is one more reason for sports clubs to think about e-sports and the corresponding digitalisation of their offerings.

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23.06.2022 By Maximilian Berger and Tim Strohschneider

Enterprise search – finding instead of searching


Enterprise search solutions serve as a fundamental building block of the digital workplace and are therefore a daily companion for everyday work – a kind of ‘Google in the company’. In this blog post, I’ll explain what enterprise search is all about and what benefits it entails.

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Digital Experience

21.06.2022 By René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce – the future of commerce

Picture René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce combines e-commerce, order management, customer relationship management, point of sale and much more on one platform. Due to the broad scope of the topic, my blog post will primarily focus on the central role played by the customer data platform and explain how order management can be optimised through unified commerce.

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Software Development

Low-code development platforms are becoming increasingly popular with companies because they enable them to create applications independently, even if they have little or no programming knowledge. In my blog post, I’ll describe the origins of low-code, explain how it works and list important considerations for its implementation.

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Our observations show that with mobile working models, flexible working hours and digital alternatives, stability and productivity are entirely possible – in the financial world as well. The buzzword in this context is ‘new work’. In this blog post, I’d like to present in greater detail what the term actually means, how it affects banks and what the use cases that can be experienced in banking look like.

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03.06.2022 By Fabian Forkl, Zoe Holdt and Julius Glaser

Hydrogen: developing an emerging market


A climate-friendly energy carrier like hydrogen is becoming increasingly relevant in times of disputed gas supplies, rising energy prices and advancing climate catastrophes. The import of green hydrogen from abroad as well as projects for domestic production, distribution and use within Germany are already being planned. In our blog post, we’ll explain to you how gas is turned into a tradable product and which requirements have to be met in order to establish a functioning market.

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Digital Experience

For years, or even decades, every facet of e-commerce has been discussed long and wide. But recently, the term ‘digital commerce’ or ‘d-commerce’ has been creeping into the conversation. Is this just a new, digitally inspired name for an old concept? Or should we take a closer look at the definition of digital commerce? Where do these types of commerce differ and how are they similar? And how do be benefit from this knowledge going forward? To answer these questions, let’s take a little dive into the world of e-commerce and d-commerce.

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