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adesso Blog


This is the third and final instalment of my blog series titled ‘Machine-generated text summarisation in Aleph Alpha Luminous using R’. Here, I will use a high-level example to explain the various steps in a transformation pipeline and present the intermediate results.

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Running large language models using a fancy, ready-to-use interface increases accessibility for many, even for people who do not know any programming languages. Part two of my blog series focuses on technical aspects such as specifying the scope of the summary, prompt engineering and quality factors.

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Running large language models using a fancy, ready-to-use interface increases accessibility for many, even for people who do not know any programming languages. Part two of my blog series focuses on technical aspects such as specifying the scope of the summary, prompt engineering and quality factors.

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Running large language models using a fancy, ready-to-use interface increases accessibility for many, even for people who do not know any programming languages. In my blog post, I will focus on the backend component in R and explain how R is used to manage interface integration into Aleph Alpha.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is set to play a key role in shaping the coming industrial revolution. With the EU AI Act, the European Union is taking a leading role on the global stage. But what about other major powers like the US and the People’s Republic of China? In my blog post, I would like to outline the differences and similarities between the approaches each one is taking.

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14.09.2023 By Julius Haas and Sebastian Brückner

Generative AI today: the real possibilities beyond the theoretical


In this blog post, we want to avoid getting bogged down in philosophical questions and will instead seek to shed light on what is actually possible now with Google Cloud in the realm of generative AI. We will explain what can be done out of the box and why everyone’s job is not at risk from AI.

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In an age of AI-driven innovation, there is a fierce rivalry brewing between Microsoft and Google to revolutionise the product landscape. In this blog post, I would like to give you a brief introduction to the AI wars. I will show you how these AI giants are changing our online experience, reshaping the way we search and redefining how we will get information in the future.

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ChatGPT caused a major hype at the end of 2022. But ChatGPT may not be the end of the line. Google had laid claim to this title by introducing their own Bard AI model to the market. But which is the more powerful AI, ChatGPT or Bard? We will explore this question in our blog post. Read on to find out who comes out on top in the end.

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29.08.2023 By Marc Mezger

Open source large language models

Picture Marc Mezger

What does open source mean, and why are open source language models actually so important? In my blog post, I will answer these questions and introduce you to three important open source large language models in more detail.

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