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adesso Blog

Software Development

17.10.2023 By Eleazar Alejandro Araujo

Saga pattern as the secret to creating a well-working system

Picture Eleazar Alejandro Araujo

You need to consider a number of things to successfully implement a microservice architecture, including questions like: How do we deal with transactionality? How should the system respond if an error occurs in the middle of a distributed business process? This blog post provides answers to these questions.

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Software Development

11.05.2023 By Björn Thalheim

ATDD on Spring Boot with Cucumber

Picture Björn Thalheim

Developers are quite familiar with unit testing, even with integrative approaches like @SpringBootTest. But many lack a clear design/development/test strategy and stick to their preferred programming language. Acceptance Test Driven Design (ATDD) is a structured approach to designing your tests and programme from the outside in, focusing on larger blocks of functionality rather than individual classes. This blog post shows how this works.

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Software Development

22.03.2023 By Vincent Scherb

Troubleshooting open source NuGet package

Picture Vincent Scherb

For a project I decided to use the libgit2 library which, fortunately, has a port to C#. When adding the NuGet package in the latest version 0.26.2 (release December 11, 2019) the program ran into a problem at runtime as the shared library cannot be loaded.

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Software Development

Python is a sophisticated, general-purpose programming language widely used in a variety of fields such as data science, machine learning, web development and automation. The simplicity of the syntax and the fact it is easy to learn make Python an ideal language for both beginners and experienced developers. In this blog post, I will take a look at the language’s areas of application and its characteristics, as well as provide an outlook on its future.

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Software Development

09.02.2023 By Dimitrije Kovacic and Marc Mezger

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022 – Part 2


In the first part of our post, we clarified what exactly the Stack Overflow Developer Survey is and then asked what kind of education developers have, how long they have already been working or how they like to learn. This part is about the most popular programming languages, tools and technologies used as well as different opinions about the future of software development.

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Software Development

27.01.2023 By Marc Mezger and Dimitrije Kovacic

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022 – Part 1


In general, a professional programmer is someone who has a high level of expertise in one or more programming languages and is able to utilise that expertise to design, develop and maintain software systems or applications. When do most people begin their profession? How long do they work in their profession? How do they train, and which programming language pays best in terms of salary? We will answer these questions in our blog post.

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Software Development

24.01.2023 By Mahdyar Safarianbarmi

Software craftsmanship and its principles

Picture Mahdyar Safarianbarmi

Are software developers simply ‘manufacturers’ or engineers? Should new software just work, or should it add value, too? This blog post will introduce the Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship in order to answer these questions.

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Software Development

19.01.2023 By Roland Majchszak

The cloud changed our software architectures

Picture Roland Majchszak

Clouds are changing the way we run and develop software. Many of the limitations that used to exist are no longer an issue when we embrace cloud-native approaches. This, together with new influencing factors such as costs, has an impact on our software architectures. In my blog post, I will explain what new services the cloud provides.

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Software Development

When you think of legacy code, frustration, a fear of change and having to deal with disproportionate amounts of complexity immediately come to mind. Having an in-depth analysis is a must if you want to get an overview of your legacy system. In my blog post, I will explain how to do this using the analysis tool at|analyze and a Neo4J graph database.

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