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adesso Blog


At the Stadtwerke Impact Day, experts from the energy sector discussed the latest challenges and solutions for an emissions-free future. adesso presented the innovative research project VideKIS and sat down with experts to talk about new distribution models and regional value creation. At the event, it became clear that time is running out. We need to take action now and work together to move the energy transition forward

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Experience from a host of CRM projects has shown time and again that the factors for success are remarkably similar. Companies that employ standard software and best practices quickly see major gains in process quality and business performance. In this blog post I will explain how to find a CRM solution that is just right to meet your company’s individual needs. I will also explore architecture-related issues along with the specific challenges you will face when it comes to selecting a CRM solution for use in the insurance sector.

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03.03.2023 By Zoe Holdt, Simon Bächle and Timo Hartmann

The energy sector – what will change in 2023?


In 2023, the energy sector is once again facing significant changes. The German energy transition is pursuing the ambitious goal of increasing its share of electricity from renewable energies to at least 80 per cent by 2030. The German Renewable Energy Sources Act 2023 (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG 2023) plays a decisive role in the implementation of this plan. And the advancing digitalisation in this area is also leading to changes in market communications. In this blog post, both aspects will be examined in greater detail.

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Embedded insurance – that is, insurance that can be combined with the purchase of certain products – is something that everyone has certainly come across. But what does the term mean, what are the requirements and what opportunities and challenges are there for insurance providers. I will answer these questions in my blog post using an everyday example – buying a new coffee machine.

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22.02.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes

Germany relies on liquefied natural gas (LNG) – the current situation regarding LNG projects


The German federal government is investing heavily in the development of its own import infrastructure for liquefied natural gas (LNG). The focus of this infrastructure is on floating terminals, the first of which was inaugurated in December 2022. In our blog post, we will give you a brief overview of the current plans to build LNG terminals.

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The digitalisation of occupational pension schemes is often still in its infancy. This is because there are a number of challenges for stakeholders that inhibit the advancement of IT solutions. But there are some excellent opportunities here, too. This blog post will explain what these are in excerpts.

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15.02.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Maximilian Hammes and Jonas Schnorrenberg

Is nuclear fusion the secret weapon for solving the energy and climate problem of the future?


The world must become climate neutral, and wind, hydropower, biomass and sunlight are ready to drive this major transformation. But power plants with nuclear fusion reactors could also still play a vital role in light of the recent successes that have been made in this areas. In our blog post, we will explain how seriously we should be considering nuclear fusion with regard to the energy and climate problems.

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13.02.2023 By Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

A day in the laboratory of the future

Picture Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Since work to redesign laboratories is already underway these days, it can be assumed that in ten years, the laboratories of the future will look much different than they do now. But how might they look? In my blog post, I will use the example of a fictitious scientist named Alva to describe the day-to-day work in a laboratory in the year 2033.

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