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adesso Blog


01.06.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes

Greenhouse gas emissions in Germany


Climate change and the associated rise in global temperatures are having a massive impact on people and nature all over the world. Germany, as an industrial nation, has a special responsibility in this regard. In this blog post, we will look at the current greenhouse gas balance in Germany and give you an overview of the most important facts as well as measures to reduce emissions.

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23.05.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes

Gas prices – a new ‘low’ has been reached


Although gas prices are currently low, a warning has been issued against being too optimistic, as Europe could be facing more challenges. In this blog post, we will explain which factors are behind the drop in prices and how this development should be classified.

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22.05.2023 By Christopher Krafft

A protocol stack for narrowband IoT (part 2)

Picture Christopher Krafft

While the first part of my blog series focused on the technology of NB-IoT, the second part will discuss the technical aspects of using it, as the advantages of transmitting data using narrowband IoT are quickly squandered if it is used incorrectly.

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17.05.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes

The path to climate neutrality – Costa Rica as a role model?


Costa Rica is a pioneer in climate neutrality and offers impressive measures to protect the environment. In our blog post, we will take a closer look at the impressive measures Costa Rica has taken to become climate neutral and explore the question of whether Germany can learn from Costa Rica in order to achieve its own climate goals.

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11.05.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Simon Bächle and Zoe Holdt

E-world energy & water 2023 – we will be there! Will you?


adesso of course cannot be missing at the leading European trade fair for the energy industry in Essen, Germany! And we have some highlights in store. From a business breakfast on the topic of grid connection portals to interesting facts about hydrogen and exciting insights into our innovative VideKIS research project on virtual power plants, this trade fair has it all. In this blog post, we will focus primarily on the VideKIS research project.

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10.05.2023 By Ferhat Yildiz

Why using RPA is only truly worthwhile now

Picture Ferhat Yildiz

The technology concerning robotic process automation (RPA) has great potential for the insurance industry and is already being used in various areas. However, its success has often not lived up to expectations. RPA providers have since reacted to this and added significant components to their products. In my blog post, I will show you why using RPA is now truly worthwhile.

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04.05.2023 By Jenny Gursch and Markus Felkel

Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it – part 2


In the first part of our blog series on ‘Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it’, we took a closer look at the demand for agile scaling and the associated challenges that need to be overcome in order to generate added value for an organisation. In this next part, we will focus on the challenges that come with agile scaling.

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The digital transformation of the healthcare sector in Germany and the opportunities it has created for private health insurers have prompted adesso to focus more on digital health services. I will explain this means in my blog post.

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25.04.2023 By Heike Willkomm, Marianna Thomsen and Stephen Lorenzen

The energy crisis – a welcome emergency brake for corporate change?


The energy crisis is having a massive impact on our lives and businesses. The energy industry has been hit particularly hard. Companies need to adapt and implement change. This blog post is about how companies can manage change.

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