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adesso Blog


The digitalisation of occupational pension schemes is often still in its infancy. This is because there are a number of challenges for stakeholders that inhibit the advancement of IT solutions. But there are some excellent opportunities here, too. This blog post will explain what these are in excerpts.

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15.02.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Maximilian Hammes and Jonas Schnorrenberg

Is nuclear fusion the secret weapon for solving the energy and climate problem of the future?


The world must become climate neutral, and wind, hydropower, biomass and sunlight are ready to drive this major transformation. But power plants with nuclear fusion reactors could also still play a vital role in light of the recent successes that have been made in this areas. In our blog post, we will explain how seriously we should be considering nuclear fusion with regard to the energy and climate problems.

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06.02.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Zoe Holdt and Timo Hartmann

Saving energy through gamification


Whereas we are motivated to save energy at home due to rising energy prices and an impending hole in our wallets, things often look different in the office: personal account balances do not suffer and so people sometimes leave a light or the heating on. One possible incentive in this regard is gamification – that is, the introduction of playful elements. In our blog post, you will learn exactly what this looks like and what potential savings gamification entails.

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03.02.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Maximilian Hammes and Jonas Schnorrenberg

Are business intelligence maturity models relevant for the energy sector?


Business intelligence (BI) maturity models are used to find out how far along a company is in terms of digitalisation and data use. In our blog post, we will explain how maturity models help with classification, whether the Interaction Room is an alternative way to apply them and, if it is, whether it can be used as a basis to successfully improve BI in the holistic consultancy process.

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02.02.2023 By Katja Dippel

Trends in the insurance industry for 2023

Picture Katja Dippel

The to-do list for IT managers in insurance companies might get quite long in 2023. One tool for overcoming these challenges, as well as for exploiting their potential, is innovative IT technologies and methods. In my blog post, I will present eight focus topics that the adesso Insurance Team has identified.

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01.02.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Zoe Holdt and Simon Bächle

Fan heaters – is the amount of electricity they consume a risk?


The energy crisis has seen electric heaters and fan heaters become a much-discussed alternative to gas for quite a few months now – not to mention the criticism of them and concerns about a blackout. But how justified is this concern and what impact did the appliances have on our electricity grid when we moved into winter? We will answer these questions in our blog post.

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23.01.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Simon Bächle and Timo Hartmann

Winter and renewable energies – is that a contradiction in terms?


The German energy transition is pursuing the goal that the share of electricity consumed from renewable energies should be at least 80 per cent by 2030. But can renewable energies also reliably generate electricity in the cold, dark depths of winter when outside is a never-ending barrage of rain, ice and snow? To what extent do these factors impact the power plants and what solutions are out there? In this blog post, we will take a look at the most important influences and impacts on renewable energies.

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20.01.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Zoe Holdt and Simon Bächle

APV – the best of both worlds


The expansion of photovoltaic plants needs to be accelerated to make the energy transition a success. But with an increasing lack of suitable land, the question arises whether to use it for agriculture or to generate electricity. Agrophotovoltaics allows areas of land to be used for two purposes simultaneously: photovoltaic modules on stilts generate electricity and at the same time, the land beneath them can be used for agriculture. But how does it work and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

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The German Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG), which was adopted in 2017, was intended to provide support for digitalisation and make a number of the administrative services provided by the German federal government and the German states electronically accessible by the end of 2022 – including in the healthcare system. But how does this look in practice? What has already been done and where is there still room for improvement? I will answer these questions in my blog post.

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