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adesso Blog


The renewable energy industry is booming, with wind turbines taking on a central role in driving this growth. While the wind energy sector continues to grow, approval procedures are becoming increasingly complex and time-consuming. This is where augmented reality (AR) comes into play. By integrating AR into the wind turbine construction process, approval procedures can be sped up and digitalised. I will show how this works in my blog post.

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The German government passed a bill to increase the pace of digitalisation in the health care system on 9 August 2023. The bill set outs the opt-out procedure for the electronic patient record and e-prescription (eRezept). In this blog post, I will describe the situation as it now stands along with the related challenges in this area.

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Vast amounts of information and documents are generated in today’s digital world. Being able to process this information quickly and efficiently is vital for business success. Document Understanding can be used to categorise and analyse various documents such as contracts, invoices and forms as well as extract relevant information from them. I will explain exactly what this looks like in this blog post.

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If a piece of software is designed by the vendor for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes, it is regarded as a medical device under the law. That means that the manufacturer must comply with all applicable laws and hence all guidelines set out in the different standards there are. In my blog post, I will describe how the expectations described in the standards and regulations can be presented and grouped to ensure it is possible to examine and document them as part of a larger overall process.

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Manufacturing companies are undergoing a transformation: the digitalisation of production promises efficiency and innovation, but also harbours risks. The networking of machines, IT systems and cloud services opens up unimagined potential, but what about IT security?

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As we have all seen, digitalisation has made inroads across all sectors in recent years, including in the waste management industry. The rollout of digital technologies and solutions represents a great opportunity to make more efficient use of resources, improve process transparency and achieve greater sustainability in waste management. Despite this, companies and public authorities face a number of challenges. I will explain what these are and how companies can overcome them in my blog post.

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27.09.2023 By Ellen Volkert , Julia Schönauer and Melanie Truhöl

New agile – a balanced, hybrid work model


How we work has changed fundamentally in recent decades, a trend that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes require new forms of work in companies that are focused on the evolving needs of employees. The term used to describe this is new work. Agile working is a form of new work. We explain what this is all about in our blog post.

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As part of the VideKIS research project, adesso is developing a virtual power plant comprised of decentralised renewable energy plants that uses an optimisation model to generate decisions regarding the sale of power for these plants. This blog post will use an example to present a process model for creating an optimisation model.

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Modern media companies are well aware that the ‘last mile’ is one of the most important steps in the production of dailies. If the paper comes late or it is not in perfect condition, readers will quickly become unhappy with the service. If this happens frequently, they will not wait long to cancel their subscription. In this blog post, I will describe how adesso optimises the last mile in newspaper delivery.

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