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adesso Blog


BiPRO e.V. sees itself as the insurance industry’s institute for standardisation. Having been successfully implemented standards in the technical world of BiPRO RClassic, these standards have been used productively in the market for various processes and data exchange for quite some time. In this blog post, I explain how the BiPRO is taking a step forward with RNext, and not just in terms of technology.

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The increase in the share of renewable energies in electricity production makes new power plant deployment planning necessary in Germany. However, as the energy system has not yet been adapted to meet these requirements, the Redispatch 2.0 mechanism is being introduced. In our blog post, we explain what it is all about and why exactly redispatches are necessary.

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Generation Alpha describes all children born between 2010 and 2025. This will be the first generation to grow up completely in the 21st century and live in a world that is increasingly volatile. In my blog post, I reveal the customer requirements that have already started to emerge from this as well as the opportunities that Generation Alpha can offer insurers.

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The reinsurance business is extremely complex because of the many different types of processes and actors involved. As a result, there have been barriers to digitalisation at many companies due to the risks that come with complexity. However, potential opportunities are missed because of this. Dennis Hensch outlines what steps reinsurers can take to prepare for the digital transformation and how they can minimise risks.

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Pensions are important for every employee. They have the right to request from their employer that part of their future earnings – up to four per cent of the contribution ceiling for the statutory pension fund – are paid into their company pension scheme through the conversion of earnings into pension contributions (deferred compensation). This is an important measure to protect workers from old-age poverty. But everything has now changed due to COVID-19. To reflect the new reality, the 2022 contribution ceiling is set to be reduced under the draft bill from the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS). How and to what extent are company pension schemes affected by this change? What challenges does this pose for companies, employees, insurance companies and pension providers? And how can these be overcome? You can find answers to these questions in the following blog post.

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The impact of digital transformation is also being felt in the lottery industry. Covid-19 has placed companies in the sector under immense pressure, with many customers unable to purchase lottery tickets at sales outlets once the lockdown was imposed. In addition, not all providers allow legal online gaming yet. It is high time that the industry address key trends that influence the lives of its customers and, ultimately, its bottom line. This blog post outlines five trends that lottery companies must now be ready for.

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Insurers would be well advised to start thinking about their customers of the future today. Two of the main reasons for this are the ageing out of existing customers and the ever-faster pace of digitalisation. But who will they be and what is important to them today? In my blog post, I’ll give an initial glimpse into the future generation of customers. Along with that, I’ll also be describing a persona of future insurance customers.

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17.09.2021 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

From black box to white box


The decision-making process, i.e., how an AI arrives at its result, must be comprehensible and transparently communicable to all stakeholders. This is especially true within the insurance industry. Meaning a transformation of the black box into a white box is needed. This is where Explainable AI (XAI) comes into play. We explain what this is all about in our blog post.

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14.09.2021 By Stefan Schmid (Gastbeitrag InsurLab Germany)

Offering is tough, purchasing is tougher

Picture Stefan Schmid (Gastbeitrag InsurLab Germany)

Purchasing is tougher. The road to the digital transformation of the insurance industry is rocky. But we’re on the verge of a breakthrough. Corporate startups will be only one of the many manifestations of a newly digitalised insurance industry. Other manifestations will include new platforms, non-corporate startups and solutions created by tech players. In this blog post, I explain why this is the case and why corporate startups will be making a significant contribution.

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