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adesso Blog


An efficient and flexible design of the IT systems is the basic prerequisite for high-performance banking operations. Even though the modernisation of IT is a great challenge, a benefit- and customer-oriented modernisation of the IT landscape is a mandatory prerequisite for more efficiency, customer orientation and sustainability of banks. In my blog post, I explain how core banking systems are brought up to the latest digital standards. Translated with (free version)

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On 24 November 2021, Germany’s Social Democrats, Greens and Free Democrats concluded on a coalition agreement that sets the course for the next legislative period. A central component is formed by energy industry specifications, measures and guidelines to enable a transition of the German energy sector and to accelerate the energy transition. We summarise the key points in our blog post.

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2021 was a turbulent year. This year’s almost over, yet there’s still much to be discussed alongside the omnipresent topic of the Covid-19 pandemic, including the topic of smart meter rollouts. So before we enter into the new year, we’re taking a look at what lies behind us and outlining which positive resolutions are worth making for metering point operators in 2022.

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13.12.2021 By Tim Strohschneider

Optimising financial transactions

Picture Tim Strohschneider

Regulatory requirements, changing customer expectations and increasing complexity pose new challenges for existing financial transaction systems. Using approaches based on artificial intelligence (AI) can optimise this significantly.

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09.12.2021 By Stephen Lorenzen, Georg Benhöfer and Lars Zimmermann

Changes to electronic messages as part of the MaKo 2022 – key information moving forward


The German Federal Network Agency published adjustments to the MaKo 2022 on 1 October 2021 (part 1) and 15 October 2021 (part two). These changes cover three areas in particular: EDIFACT data formats, XML data exchange and decision tree diagrams. We explain what this means in detail in our blog post.

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07.12.2021 By Sebastian Ritzkat and Sabine Fischer

Expanding our comfort zone through prevention


There are enormous differences in the procedures for processing claims related to property and liability and those for granting health insurance benefits. What both areas have in common, however, is that prevention is always better than payouts. In this blog post, we show what prevention looks like in the context of both health insurance and composite insurance.

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01.12.2021 By Stephen Lorenzen, Lars Zimmermann and Georg Benhöfer

The new energy service provider role – an opportunity for more competition in metering?


In addition to many other changes, the implementation of MaKo 2022 (Market Communication 2022) has also resulted in the introduction of a new market role: from 1 April 2022, the energy service provider (Energieserviceanbieter, ESA) will expand the range of roles in market communication. In our blog post, we reveal the potential to stimulate competition in metering and thus have a decisive influence on the entire energy sector.

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18.11.2021 By Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

The increasing importance of LIMS

Picture Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

LIMS stands for Laboratory Information Management System. It is a software program that is used in a number of different industries. In my blog post, I will explain why using an LIMS is often a necessity, what advantages it offers, what you need to consider and which LIMS providers are out there.

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16.11.2021 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

A life coach as a holistic approach to personalised customer contact


The core task of insurance sales is to generate new customers and to ensure existing customers remain loyal to the company in the long term by providing ongoing consultancy and managing their needs. The key to success is to individualise each customer to the greatest extent possible through deliberate actions and recommendations. In our blog article, we show how this can be achieved and why insurers need to be proactive.

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