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adesso Blog


17.11.2022 By Lars Zimmermann , Georg Benhöfer and Stephen Lorenzen

Habeck announces restart of smart meter rollout


Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, announced a restart of the rollout on 20 October 2022. In order to remove the legal and bureaucratic hurdles, a package of measures is to be developed and presented together with the industry that will significantly accelerate and simplify the rollout. We reveal what the new start looks like in our blog post.

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When it comes to company pension schemes, employees can demand that their employer use a part of their future earnings for their company pension scheme via deferred compensation. The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) wants to increase the contribution assessment ceiling for the year 2023. How and to what extent are company pension schemes affected by this change? What challenges does this pose for companies, employees, insurance companies and pension providers? And how can these be overcome? You can find answers to these questions in the following blog post.

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Legally binding regulations and reporting obligations mean that financial service providers should contribute to developing the economy in an ecological and sustainable way, as well as usher in the new era of sustainable finance. The EU taxonomy, as a common classification system, is designed to help incentivise investors to make sustainable investments and support the shift towards a sustainable economy. In this blog post, I will briefly describe what this actually means and what needs to be taken into account.

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The electricity and gas crisis is at its peak. Reason enough for the German federal government to now take drastic measures to cushion the impact of the geostrategic conflict. On 29 September 2022, the government presented an energy aid package worth €200 billion. This blog post will explain what this astronomical energy aid package covers.

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How can an insurance provider use open insurance to further develop its own business model and strengthen its competitiveness and future relevance? What opportunities and risks does open insurance hold for the insurance industry? In this blog post, you will learn what the idea behind open insurance is and where this concept can be applied.

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19.10.2022 By Viyan Kofli

Competition among the CRM superpowers

Picture Viyan Kofli

Large companies are not the only ones using CRM systems. Smaller and medium-sized companies are already using them as well. But who are the big players when it comes to CRM system providers, and which hidden champions are the competition? This blog post will compare these big players and hidden champions and show which alternatives may be worthwhile for which companies.

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17.10.2022 By Fernando Arévalo

Remote Troubleshooting on the Shop Floor

Picture Fernando Arévalo

If machines fail because of faults, the consequences are stress, increased maintenance effort, additional costs for special logistics to meet deadlines, or dissatisfied customers. Remote troubleshooting helps to quickly master this situation. I explain how this works and what advantages this approach offers in this blog post.

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The German Civil Status Act (Personenstandsgesetz, PStG) was rewritten with effect from 1 January 2019. People who identify as non-binary must not be subjected to discrimination, and companies are obliged to implement the legal requirements set out in the legislation. As an outsider, you would think that this would not be a problem – especially in regard to IT. In this blog post, I will explain what exactly these legal requirements are, and which questions companies should be looking to answer.

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10.10.2022 By Uwe Pohlmann and Fernando Arévalo

A Preamble for Machine Data Collection on the Shop Floor


Finding patterns in data is a task that keeps data scientists as well as domain experts busy. For companies, data is a critical business asset that adds value. To this end, store floor connectivity plays an essential role. I explain what this is all about in my blog post using a (fictional) example.

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