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adesso Blog


21.12.2022 By Sabine Fischer

The crux with the crutches

Picture Sabine Fischer

As a privately insured person, getting medical devices, such as a wheelchair, is often not easy – hours of phoning back and forth, asking about the availability of medical devices and having applications approved. There is an easier way! This blog post will describe exactly how.

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20.12.2022 By Stephen Lorenzen, Maximilian Hammes and Lars Zimmermann

Annual review 2022 – the energy industry was rife with activity


The energy industry can look back on a turbulent year. In addition to technical challenges, such as the sluggish headway made with the smart meter rollout, there were two main topics that dominated the year: climate change and the war in Ukraine. In this blog post, we would like to provide a year in review and present you with a final overview of the energy industry’s 2022 fiscal year.

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Sustainability is the megatrend of our time, and measures to increase sustainability are the talk of the town. However, in order to make improvements and evaluate them correctly, we first need to know where we stand. Unfortunately, when it comes to sustainability, there is still a bit of uncertainty and far too often greenwashing is employed. Therefore in this blog post, we will take a look at what we know about evaluating digital sustainability and where there are still uncertainties.

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14.12.2022 By Niklas Bug and Alexander Frommelt

Smart Claims – sustainable claims handling with a future


The idea of a sustainable insurance product impressed more than 4,000 people and consequently won first place at adesso’s Think!2022 competition. Smart Claims is a newly conceived digital product for future-oriented and sustainable claims settlement in the insurance industry. Keep reading to find out how it works, what the benefits are and who can use it.

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09.12.2022 By Stephen Lorenzen, Lars Zimmermann and Maximilian Hammes

Does the price cap for electricity endanger the energy transition?


The German Government is using the price cap for electricity as part of the €300 billion economic ‘defence shield’ in an attempt to cushion the rising costs for consumers in Germany. This blog post will describe what the price cap is, how the financing is supposed to work and whether it entails as many benefits as promised.

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It sounds so wonderfully simple: you recruit a team of employees through an offshore partner in India and get the same level of performance for a fraction of what you would have to spend on an in-house project. But why does this often not work? This blog post will explain the key challenges and the solutions to them.

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05.12.2022 By Simon Bächle, Ellen Szczepaniak and Zoe Holdt

Virtual power plants 2.0


A virtual power plant is an association of decentralised units that are coordinated via a common control system. The purpose of a virtual power plant is to sell the electricity and flexibility provided by the large network of aggregated installations through a single source. This blog post will explain where this idea originated and how it can be used in the energy transition.

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In this blog post, I would like to go beyond industry specifics and take a general look at the topic of sustainability based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. With its Global Sustainability Agenda, the United Nations defines the elementary foundations and provides guidance for the sustainable development of society, politics and the economy.

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To succeed in the digital era, car manufacturers need to reinvent themselves and develop new capabilities. Companies that collect and evaluate data centrally and, above all, know how and where to use it have an important head start. In this blog post, I explain various trends and future topics in the automotive industry and describe how visionary digital sales models can be identified and implemented with the aid of digital commerce.

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