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adesso Blog


At the end of February 2024, the International Association of Standardisation Organisations (IAF/ISO) decided to include the aspect of climate change and climate adaptation as a binding addition to the existing standard requirements in chapters 4.1 and 4.2. The supplementary requirement must be implemented immediately and without a transition period in all management systems. The aim of this addition is to take into account the effects of climate change in connection with achieving the desired objectives of the management system. My blog post describes topics that may become relevant for companies as a result of the decision.

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Imagine an insurance company decides to modernise its entire IT landscape. The technology is ready, the plans are drawn up, and yet the project encounters unexpected obstacles. The reason? No, not the poor preparation phase this time. The human factor. In this blog post, I highlight the human aspects of IT transformations in the German insurance industry and show why they often mean the difference between success and failure.

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27.06.2024 By Lara Telschow

Shaping change in insurance companies with AI

Picture Lara Telschow

Now is the right time to get to grips with successful change management. No time? Artificial intelligence offers innovative solutions for change management and supports insurers in successfully mastering rapid change. This blog post offers practical application examples and valuable tips for implementation in your own insurance company.

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In the energy industry, GenAI opens up new opportunities to increase efficiency and overcome complex challenges. In order to develop (Gen)AI topics and use cases successfully and in a targeted manner, a structured framework is essential. In this blog post, I describe a multi-level framework that provides guidance for the development of use cases and takes into account GenAI-specific requirements.

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Hydrogen has the potential to play a key role in the European energy transition. In addition to technological advances in the field of hydrogen production, storage and application, digitalisation also plays a decisive role in the development of this industry. This blog post explains the digitalisation potential and fields of application behind this in more detail.

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Customer identity and access management is used to control a user's digital access and manage their data. As a rule, the main focus here is on regulatory aspects. In my blog post, I would like to show you that it is also worthwhile for insurance companies to deal with this topic in terms of the user experience.

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Every day, employees struggle with manual reporting processes that cause high personnel costs, limited opportunities for process optimisation and quality deficiencies. Despite the crucial importance of KPIs for management, manual reporting processes are widespread in production. In this blog post, I explain why companies in the IIoT sector are starting with production reporting.

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Digitale Transformation, Künstliche Intelligenz, Krankenhaus 4.0 - diese Schlagworte begegnen uns derzeit immer wieder, wenn es um die Zukunft der medizinischen Versorgung geht. Darüber hinaus sehen sich Krankenhäuser aktuell mit einer Vielzahl weiterer Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Die Sicherstellung der zukünftigen medizinischen Versorgung scheint zunehmend gefährdet und wird in der Öffentlichkeit intensiver denn je diskutiert. Warum gerade in diesem Zusammenhang die Digitalisierung noch stärker in den Fokus rücken sollte und welche Chancen sich daraus ergeben, möchte ich in diesem Blog-Beitrag beleuchten.

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The insurance industry is undergoing constant change, driven by digitalisation, changing customer needs and new regulatory requirements. Against this backdrop, effective change management is essential. In my blog post, you can find out what challenges insurance companies are facing and I give you an insight into what is needed for successful change management.

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